A Journey Through Comic Book Addiction - I used to be a "comic book geek". I was addicted, I had hundreds of the things, all carefully bagged and boarded. This is my story...
Banned By Facebook: The Nipple Police Strike Again! - Weird Retro's facebook page and admins banned by facebook for posting a "link" to an article that featured nipples!!!
Sarcasm A Very British Revolution - The government is trying to detect your sarcasm on social media. Let the war on words begin.
Take Off That Christmas Jumper, It's Not Ironic You Just Look A Twat! - Tis' the season for usually sane people to blow money on clothing they will only wear once, in order to look like an idiot.
Vintage Fairs: Just Over-Priced Jumble Sales - The vintage vultures are circling, picking off the last remnants of flesh from our consumer culture bones.
Where's The Jet-Pack I Was Promised As A Kid? - Taking stock of what sci-fi movies promised, and what technology actually delivered, in the year that Back To The Future 2 is set.
Banned By Facebook - Boobs and bans! Falling foul of the notorious facebook nipple police. Self censoring and the furtively placed facebook logo.
Halloween: The Hilarity And Horror Of The Holidays - A very American holiday, rooted in the pagan past of the British Isles, that the Brits are now beginning to embrace American style.
Shop Till You Drop... Dead! - Is the zombie Apocalypse upon us? Is the virus dormant in us all, and it's inevitable that we are all destined to become "consumer zombies"?
Those Toys You Wanted, And The Ones You Got!!! - Childhood dreams shattered by poor parental purchases.
What Makes A Horror Movie Scary? - Or what makes horror scary to some, and wonderfully enjoyable entertainment for others? What is the psychology of horror movie fans?