A Haven For Devil Dolls - The unassuming looking house in a leafy Kentucky suburb, that is home to the world's largest collection of creepy ventriloquists dummies.
Derelict Retro-Futurism In Former Yugoslavia - Monolithic concrete monuments designed to celebrate the former Socialist Republic, now abandoned, and lost to history.
Las Pozas: The Surrealist Xanadu Of Edward James - Deep in the rainforests of Mexico exists a bizarre towering surrealist sculpture garden built by an eccentric Englishman.
Monroeville: Mall Of The Dead - The biggest character in the cult zombie horror Dawn Of The Dead, the shopping mall, located just 10 miles east of Pittsburgh, PA.
Scaling The Heights Of Outsider Art: Watts Towers - Built by hand, by an Italian construction worker over decades. The towers are a symbol of persistence and a single minded vision.
The Mystery Of The Toynbee Tiles - The weird tiles with cryptic messages, that have appeared embedded in roads and pavements around the world since the 1980s.
The Secret Nostalgic Seoul Of South Korea - The little eclectic toy museum buried away in the very heart of down-town Seoul.
Top Ten Weird Places To Visit In The USA - A personal top ten of places past and present, that for one reason or another hold a weird fascination for me. What would you have on your list?
Zoro Gardens Nudist Colony - Between 1935 and 1936, at an exposition in Balboa Park, San Diego, two side-show promoters created a controversial nudist colony as a visitor attraction.
Bokor Hill Station: Holiday Resort, Torture Chamber & Movie Set - The story of the ghost town on a mountain top in Cambodia. Now lost to developers, but captured in the movie R-Point.
From A Single Stone, A Postman Built An Ideal Palace - The visionary outsider artist and postman, Ferdinand Chavel, who spent 33 years building his ideal palace, Le Palais idéal in France.
Love Land: The South Korean Sex Theme Park - On the island of Jeju off the peninsula of South Korea is a bizarre sculpture park, full of giant pastel coloured sculptures of people having sex.
Santa Theme Park In California - Sat in the mountains of Southern California, Santa's Village was the first ever franchised theme park. Opened in 1955, a month before Disneyland.
Shivering Sands Army Fort: The Pirate Radio City - In mid-60s Britain, pirate radio took to the seas. One radio station was established by eccentric shock rock singer Screaming Lord Sutch.
The Salton Sea & Slab City: Life, Death & Hope In The Badlands - A journey through the badlands of California, in search of the lost American Dream.
The Winchester Mystery House - Like an Escher nightmare made real, a haunted house with an architecture that boggles the mind, and defies belief.
Tracking Down The Atomic Beast: Survival Town & Yucca Flats - Less than a 100 miles from Las Vegas is the infamous nuclear test site at Yucca Flats, home to the remnants of Survival Town.