Best Of British: Comic Book Robots - A look at the comic book history of the UK through the eyes of robots. From Robot Archie and Brassneck, to the robots of 2000 AD and C+VG.
DC Comics 60s Hippy Hero: Brother Power The Geek - Lasting only two issues, Brother Power was a hero for the flower power generation. A peace and love raggedy-man with super-powers.
Hoverboy: The Racist Superhero - The story of the almost forgotten American superhero Hoverboy. All but written out of comic book history for his overt racism and xenophobia.
Military Courtesy: A Comic For Semi-Literate Soldiers - A humorous piece of 50s military ephemera designed to target comic book reading recruits on correct military etiquette.
Out Of Context Comic Panels: Having A Spanking Time - If these comic book panels are anything to go by, spanking was a popular pastime during the golden age of comic books.
Pocket Guide To China (1942): "How To Spot A Jap" Comic - A piece of WWII propaganda that's so bad, you wonder whether the top-brass were all on drugs when the authorised its release.
Reds Under The Bed: Early Cold War Comic Books - The crazy days of McCarthyism and the propaganda comic books that were spawned by all the "Red Scare" madness.
Ten Worst Comic Book Superhero Movies - With the current vogue for churning out comic book superhero movie, a look back at some of the worst superhero movies of the past.
The Rapeman: The Weirdest Japanese Superhero?! - Originally a manga series in 1985, the bizarre anti-hero character of The Rapeman has spawned both an anime and movie series.
Users Are Losers: A History Of Drugs In Comic Books - From the Weird Retro archive, a list of some of the best and worst of comic books about the dangers of drugs on the youth of America.
Crazy Christian Comic: There's A New World Coming - Published in 1974, the infamous comic book from the Christian publishers Spire Comics. Beware The Great Snatch is coming!
Fantomah: The First Kick-Ass Female Superhero - The first ever female superhero, the guardian of the jungle Fantomah. Flying around changing into an angry blonde haired skull creature.
Judgment Day! EC Comics Against Comic Code Racism - In 1956, controversial comic book publisher an allegorical short story about segregation in the USA. It would be their last.
Out Of Context Comic Panels: Boners, Dicks & A Gay Old Time - Who doesn't love the hilarity of vintage comic book panels, taken out of the context of their historical period.
Out Of Context Comic Panels: Oh The Horror! - Especially for the Halloween season, a series of horrific out of context vintage horror comic panels.
Punching Hitler: WWII Era Comic Book Covers - Comic books were in their infancy when WWII broke out, and it wasn't long before the industry joined the war effort in defeating the enemy.
Stan Lee Presents: The Mighty Marvel Comics Strength And Fitness Book - An odd little comic book from 1976, as the heroes of Marvel try to motivate kids into doing exercises.
The Bug Hunters: The Forgotten 80s Comic Series - In the 1980s, the world's first ever dedicated video gaming magazine published a genius comic book serial, The Bug Hunters.
Tijuana Bibles: Comic Book Porn In Your Pocket - The salacious story of early underground comic books, generally known as Tijuana Bibles. Little 8-page, wallet sized piece of pornography.