A Band Called Death - The story of three brothers, in 1970s Detroit, at the height of Motown and rise of Disco, who formed the world's first black punk band... Possibly the world's first ever punk band.
Confessions Of A Band T-Shirt Addict - Wearing a band T-shirt says a lot more about the person wearing it than simply advertising their musical allegiances.
Danger Music! Music Designed To Cause Pain - From conceptual art to viseral physical acts of destruction, Danger Music is a Dadaist genre of music that pushes boundaries.
Jandek: The Man, The Myth, The Music - Probably the greatest enigma in music history, the elusive musician, and creator of dissonant and eerie folk blues music, Jandek.
Papa-Oom-Mow-Mow, And The Word Being The Bird! - The true origins of the song Surfin' Bird. How two songs became one, and a bottle of fortified wine became a dance.
:Stalaggh:/:Gulaggh: Music From Damaged Minds - A band that have pushed their nihilistic anti-art aesthetic to the darkest corners of the collectively deranged mind of humanity.
The First Lord Of Horror Rock: Screaming Lord Sutch - Infamous horror rock musician, who had some of the greatest rock musicians in history pass through his backing band The Savages.
The Mystery Of Mingering Mike - The story of the discovery of the whole back catalog of an unknown soul super-star, and the mystery that surrounded the truth of their creation.
The Songs Of The Young Ones - The cult BBC TV comedy show, ran for 2 series and a total of 12 episodes. Each episode had a musical interlude, featuring bands and artists of the period.
Throbbing Gristle: Three chords? You Can Start A Band With No Chords! - Provocative pioneers of industrial noise music, formed from Hull based art collective COUM Transmissions.
Weird Music Deaths: It's Not All About Drug Overdoses At 27 You Know! - A look at some of the weirdest deaths in music history. Gunshots, electrocutions, and suspicious circumstances.
Big Hair & Bad Artwork: The Worst Rock & Metal Album Covers - Macho misogyny, phallic guitar postures, fantasy art fails and homoerotic hilarity. Features of rock & metal album covers.
Crazy & Cool: Sesame Street Albums - Sesame Street have released dozens of albums. These are the weirdest, most wonderful and wackiest of the lot. From protest folk to disco funk.
H.P. Lovecraft: The Psychedelic Rock Band - The Lovecraft inspired psychedelic rock band from the late 1960s. They produced two eponymously titled albums in their short career.
Long Gone John: Sympathy For The Music Industry - The no nonsense and quirky independent record label that first released bands like The White Stripes and Hole.
Shortest And Longest Tracks In Music - The insane lengths some bands have gone to produce music that pushes the boundaries of time. From 1 second to almost infinity, it's all out there.
The Devil And Daniel Johnston - A look at the outsider artist and musician, as famous for his battles with mental health as much as his moments of lo-fi musical genius.
The Gerogerigegege: The Weirdest Band On The Planet? - The most outrageous Japanoise band in the world. Complete avant-garde insanity with no boundaries.
The Shaggs: The Worst All-Girl Band In The World Ever?! - The infamous 60s band made-up of sisters, that recorded the album, Philosophy Of The World, one of the worst albums ever made.
The Sounds Of Silent Descent - The politics of silence. From avant-garde artistic statement to the silent voice of political descent, the hidden message of silent tracks on records.
Top Ten: Bands That Dress-Up In Weird Costumes - Since the beginning of rock music, costumes have been part of stage shows. But some bands have take it to weird extremes.