One Hull Of A Story: The Snakeman Of Southcoates
Stories of strange creatures lurking in the shadows seem to be media fodder these days in Hull. The story of The Beast of Barmston Drain made headlines around the world. We've had stories of The Pig Man of East Hull (news of which broke on the site). There's the Humber Monster, the Devil Dog of Hull Docks , the list goes on it seems. Well, we have a new mystery to add to it. What is being described as The Snakeman of Southcoates, by local residents of the Holderness Road area of East Hull.
Recently there has been a worryingly strange increase in the sightings of snakes in the city. Just this month (July 2016) there have been reports in the local media of a huge snake skin being found in a house in West Hull, the woman that found a snake coming down her stairs in an East Hull house, and a venomous snake found in a car park on Sutton Fields industrial estate.
Now we have one more to add to the ever growing list, and one that defies belief. Rumours abound the Southcoates Lane area of the city of a giant snake creature prowling the streets and tenfoots. Some claim to have seen the creature slithering into the darkness, and have claimed that it has the head and torso of a man. What so far has been little more than hearsay and over-the-fence gossip became more real when local resident Ida Thunkit discovered a monstrous snake skin in her back passage, though to be by many, the shed skin of the Snakeman. |
"I couldn't believe my eyes..." Ida reported, "It was huge. It filled my back passage. Usually all I find up there is dog poo and used condoms. Finding a great big bloody snake skin was a bit of a shock. Especially since my pussy Tiddles was playing with it at the time."
In these days of easy access to cameras on our phones, no one has managed to capture a photograph of the creature. Some who have witnessed it claim to have been frozen with fear. But one local resident managed to sketch what he says is the creature he saw slither past him as he walked passed The Highland Laddie public house on Southcoates Lane. The man (who wished to remain anonymous) said, "At first I thought it was just some drunk bloke crawling home. That was until I saw the geezer had no legs. Just what looked like a huge tail, from the waist down." Stories of serpent like humanoids go back thousands of years. Existing in folklore and mystery of cultures throughout history and around the world. Possibly the story of the Snakeman of Southcoates may remain one of those unsolved mysteries. Whatever the truth behind the stories, one thing is for sure, the Snakeman will go down as one of the strangest urban legends that we have come across in the city of Hull. |
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![]() One Hull Of A Story: The Pig Man Of East Hull - Throughout the centuries urban legends have abound the city of Hull. Read the story of the latest mystery to come from the city's dark streets.
![]() The Kraken Of Hull Museums - An article by Hull historian and writer Mike Covell, on the mystery of the infamous "Humber Monster" otherwise known as the "Humber Sea Serpent".