So last week's Mid-Week Movie Massacre featured comedy exploding head death scenes, inspired by the previous week's post about the Hong Kong cult film Riki-Oh from 1991. Off the back of that, we bring it all together with movie comedy deaths by quite literally blowing-up! My top three favourite over-inflated death scenes from cult films. A form of comedy death that's not used more than enough in my humble opinion. As the idea of someone blowing-up like a balloon is just too funny. |
The scene towards the end of the movie where Thunder feels dishonoured, and so obviously chooses the only honourable way out, by self inflating until he explodes. Often listed as one of the most ridiculous death scenes in cinema, it makes absolutely no sense whatsoever. And looks hysterical. The only down-side, it being a kids movie and all, that they cut-away before you actually see him explode. But still, a brilliantly funny death scene. | |
| Okay, so Mr. Creosote doesn't actually die in the famous sketch, from the much under-rated Monty Python movie. But there is no way back for him, seeing how the whole of his internal organs are spread across the restaurant. Showering the other patrons. Plus, this has to be one of the most famous exploding body scenes in movie history. How many times after eating too much have you quoted it, "No. Fuck off - I'm full..."? No?! Just me then! |
I've always loved the original British TV movie version of Max Headroom. Which was later remade into a British/American sci-fi TV series. The blipvert scene, showing a poor unfortunate being subjected to intense subliminal advertising, resulting in him exploding is one of the most memorable parts of the original movie. And I think probably the very first exploding body death scene I ever saw. | |
| Bringing it full circle, back to the original post that inspired the spate of exploding death scenes, with Riki-Oh. The movie is full of over-the-top death scenes. And the scene where Assistant Warden Dan is shot by the Warden with a gas-pressure bullet (who knew such things existed), is just one of the truly imaginative ways the makers of this cult classic came up with to kill people. I really must go back and re-watch this movie some time soon. |