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Weird Retro Mix-Tapes

The Splatter Platters Mix-Tape takes you on a car crash journey through the golden age of teen tragedy songs, during the mid-50s to mid-60s. High-lights include Nervous Norvus -Transfusion (1956), originally banned, it uses the same stock car crash sound effect the can be heard on both Jan & Dean's - Dead Man's Curve (1964) and Leader Of The Pack (1964) by The Shangri-Las. Also included is the wonderfully wacky little known parody song I Want My Baby Back (1965) by Jimmy Cross. Voted one of the worst records of all time in 1978. Quite possibly the final nail in the coffin of the teen tragedy genre. Download. (Or go to original blog post.)

Way Beyond Planet Weird Sampler. A collection of music and sounds beyond categorization. From the surf rock of The Hondells love song to the motorbike Go Little Honda (1965), the anti-Joan Baez of the Christian right Janet Greens, with her Chiquita Banana inspired Calypso tune Fascist Threat (1966). To the torturous sounds of bondage over jazz piano, with Tortura (1965). And the doggy barked Beatles classics from Beatles Barkers from 1983. Also the weird world of spoken word albums. Molly Roth's seduces your pot plants in Plant Talk/Sound Advice (1976). And Art Linkletter's literal 'birds and the bees' album for kids. Download. (Or go to original blog post.)

After our blog post Weird Music: The Dirty Blues it seemed right that this Mix-Tape Monday should be related to the bizarre sub-genre of the Blues. The mix-tape represents an across the board look at those risqué and sometimes down-right in-your-face songs form some of the most famous Blues artists over the years. From Delta Blues of the 1930s, through swing Blues and to whacked Rhythm 'n' Blues of Screamin' Jay Hawkins. It's all here for your aural listening pleasure. From platters of pure carnal desires, misogynistic melodies and down-home dirty discs. Download. (Or go to original blog post.)

Not done a Mix-Tape Monday for quite a while now. In fact I posted a blog post related to this mix-tape all the way back in October, withWeird Music: Atomic Platters. Anyway, better later than never and all that. Hope it was worth the wait. This is actually one of my personal favourites, and the quirkiest mix-tape so far. A mix of songs from all weird and wonderful genres of music, from extremely up-tempo happy tunes to... Actually they're all quite up-tempo considering the theme! All interspersed with Civil Defense PSAs and atomic attack radio warning messages. Giving it a bit of weird retro a 50s/60s radio station feel. Download (Or go to original blog post.)

Way back in September 2014, there was the Mix-Tape Monday post about the odd little genre of Splatter Platters (or death discs), the quirky and morbid teen tragedy genre of music from the 1950s and 60s. Songs that told stories of lost love, usually through a motor vehicle accident. The genre was at its height during the 50s and early 60s, and faded in popularity soon after. Songs like Jan & Dean's Dead Man's Curve in 1964, and the Shangri-Las Leader Of The Pack also from 1964, were the peak of the genre, that all but disappeared, until artists of the 70s and 80s rediscovered the genre, and began to be inspired by them. Download (Or go to original blog post.)